
Showing posts with the label Grasshoppers

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When Grasshoppers Go Locust !!

The Story about Locust plague & Grasshoppers.  LOCUST  Locusts are like grasshoppers and cricket. Albeit very specific kinds of grasshoppers. The ones making all the news right now are called desert locusts. Usually, they like to stay alone — avoid other locusts and lead a solitary life . But on certain rare occasions, something extraordinary happens - Gregarious  They transform. But the conditions have to be perfect. The weather has to be just right. The soil — readily moist. When the eggs hatch, there ought to be an abundance of food — host plants. And they ought to be concentrated in small spaces so large groups of locust can mingle together. And within a few hours of living with the crowd, locusts, who would have preferred leading the solitary lifestyle start behaving differently. Instead of being repelled by other locusts, they’ll be attracted to the herd. Give it more time and their physical appearance starts undergoing a transformation too. They change colour — f